3797 Edsel Avenue, Saint Cloud Florida 34772

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One of the greatest problems Christians face today is where to focus their time and energy. Many Christians jump from one cause or program to another, never quite feeling fulfilled or satisfied in their Christian life. In the book FOCUS, Pastor Jay McCaig leads us through five areas of spiritual growth that every Christian and church must understand if they are ever going to turn the world upside down for Christ. Freedom – As Christians, we have a level of freedom that is beyond anything that any government or institution can provide. Are you living in bondage or living in the freedom given by Jesus Christ? Do you have the abundant life God promised in His Word? Others – The Christian life was always meant to be a life of giving and helping others. Where do we start? How far can we go? The Cross – Everything changed on that simple wooden cross of Calvary. Learn how the events of more than 2000 years ago still impact the world today, and how those events can directly change you. Understanding – God desires not only to know you, but also for you to know Him. Learn how he reveals himself to you today and how you can personally know and understand your creator. Salvation – Why did Jesus come to Earth? Would a good and loving God ever send someone to Hell? Can we lose our salvation? In the pages of FOCUS you will find a better understanding of and gain confidence in all five of these critical areas of your Christian life.
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