3797 Edsel Avenue, Saint Cloud Florida 34772
... that there is one God, manifest in three
persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy
.... that Jesus is the Son of God, was born of
a virgin, was wholly God and wholly man,
lived a sinless life, died as a substitutionary
sacrifice for the sin of mankind, was buried,
arose bodily from the grave and ascended
into Heaven.
....in the literal, imminent return of Jesus Christ to
.... that the Bible is the Word of God without
error, the sole authority for life.
.... that man is a special creation of God,
made in His image.
.... that mankind fell through the sin of the
first man, Adam, and that all men are
sinners, by choice, in need of salvation.
.... that salvation is a gift given through
repentance toward God and faith in the
Lord Jesus Christ
.... that persons who die in their sins spend
eternity in Hell and those persons who die
with their sins forgiven spend eternity in Heaven.
.... that the church is a local body of
baptized believers with the Lord Jesus
Christ as the Head.
.... that every person who truly is saved is
eternally secure in the Lord Jesus Christ.